What is Obesity?
Obesity is recognized as a disease by medical professionals and organizations. It is characterized by excess body fat that can have negative effects on health. People who are overweight or obese should not feel ashamed of this label. Obesity is a complex condition influenced by genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors, making it a medical issue that requires understanding and support rather than stigma.
The “simple” answer lies in this BMI calculator.
If your BMI is greater than or equal to 30.0, you have Obesity based on its current definition, and we would like to help you understand why it is important to treat it. The BMI does not take into account ethnicity, body composition (fat vs. muscle mass), fat distribution (belly vs. hips/legs) and other factors, so we are working hard to find a better way to define it.
If you have a BMI of 27+ and one of the many obesity-related conditions below (plus 200+ others), you meet criteria for anti-obesity medications (these definitions are important when it comes to insurance coverage of medications), and we want to help you avoid developing Obesity and worsening metabolic health.
If you are here because you want to lose 20 lbs for your wedding in 3 months, we can help you with that too! We just want to do a further evaluation instead of simply giving you a “quick fix diet” that is unsustainable after your wedding. We hope to educate you on nutrition, activity and other lifestyle principles that will help you to keep yourself as healthy as possible!
Unlocking the Path to Health
Here are some of the more than 200 diseases and conditions that are associated with Obesity and will improve with treatment for Obesity;
Obesity Medicine Association
This link to the Obesity Medicine Association can give you more education on the disease of Obesity. They define Obesity as a “chronic, relapsing, multi-factorial, neurobehavioral disease, wherein an increase in body fat promotes adipose tissue dysfunction and abnormal fat mass physical forces, resulting in adverse metabolic, biomechanical, and psychosocial health consequences.” The OMA is an excellent resource for physicians and other health care professionals to find evidence-based information to share with your patients.